Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hmm. Hard to know how the last two days have really gone, I've not been concentrating so much on my food intake. I can safely say I have NOT exercised, which is NOT good, and I will remedy that today.

This exercising thing has gotten much easier, even with just a week of consistency. Now I don't hear the little "quit" voice until at least 2 songs into the ellip, which is about 8 minutes. Not bad, considering. I wonder if I'll ever NOT hear that voice...maybe that's part of the journey - not that the voice goes away, but that my ability to ignore it functionally makes it mute.

I did realize that I'm really following a Weight Watchers' core plan without being on it officially - I've limited my sugar intake, increased my complex carbs while dropping bad carbs, and really increased veg and fruit intake. That's all good! I'm even beginning to crave oranges rather than just thinking of them as second-rate, second to a nice piece of chocolate. My salad intake has increased DRASTICALLY, though I guess from zero to anything is drastic... ; ) We'll see how this goes.

Things I look forward to - getting to size 20, then to size 18 (beyond which i can't even imagine right now); fitting into all those pants I've got lying around; beginning to hear folks ask if I'm losing weight; hearing Craig say it too. I do already have more energy, I've found.

goals for this week - taking my meds consistently. It's not that I avoid them - I have never been a good med taker, even on birth control when arguably one SHOULD be consistent! So I'll do that for sure.

onward and up, I mean, DOWNward!

1 comment:

Marilyn Brant said...

Your posts are fantastic! I found your blog tonight, of course, because you'd left a comment on mine... If it's okay with you that I pop in, I greatly look forward to reading more :).